Our menu changes every Monday. Please check out the Menu page to see what’s being prepped. You can also see it on Facebook and Instagram.

**If you would like to be added to our email list to receive the menu & updates automatically each week, just click the “Menu & Updates” button below to be added. We promise the menu & updates is ALL you will receive and you can unsubscribe at any time**

Menu & Updates

Please complete the order form below and let us know which meals you would like and how many. You will receive a confirmation email reviewing your order, and also you will receive an invoice/receipt that you can make your payment through. You can also pay by using Venmo (@feedmefit207). Payments are due by the pick-up/drop-off times noted.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Choose only if adding protein

GIFT CARDS available – https://squareup.com/gift/SCK2MRTGRF0N3/order

*please inform us of any food allergies/sensitivities.

**Are you an office, fitness center, gym, crossfit box, yoga studio, spa/massage center, or health/wellness business looking for information (or possible delivery) on healthy foods/meal-prep service to offer? We are always looking for new ways to expand and offer our services (or at least keep some business cards and brochures for your members/athletes). Contact us anytime with questions or requests for more info**